New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

Has anybody had a chance to compare the GC 2 to the Ultra? When I was inquiring Ken about which to get I asked him if there was a bigger jump in performance between the original GC and GC 2 or between the GC 2 and Ultra and he said there's a bigger difference between the original and GC 2. And also that the GC 2 has a little bit better bass than the Ultra but the Ultra is more refined. Not that I'm doubting Ken's words, maybe I am! HA! But just curious if anybody has had the same experience. I still think about going for the Ultra someday...
This ultra continue to amaze me, I have the GC original, When I first heard it, It impressed me with instrument placement , tonal presentation, air, and neutrality, the ultra has 25 hrs on my second system, the characteristics of this cable is more like my GC but with good bass, more palpable, and easy to listen, musically it’s connects better than the GC.Taras and Ken, I don’t know, how you guys do it. This is onother cable that give a lot of listening pleasure.iam floored,...🎶
A huge shout out to everyone who came to our room at AXPONA to say hi.....was great to see everyone and really appreciated the kind words.

Thank you thank you thank you.


It was a pleasure to meet and talk with you. I wish we could have had better weather here in Chicago for everybody. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Amazing how time flew while moving from room to room for two days. Always fun listening to different equipment, meeting new audio enthusiasts and hearing new music too!
The Ultra is very similar to the Game Changer II. I have both in my system now, with the GC-II as a source interconnect and the Ultra as the interconnect between my preamp and powered ATC monitors. I am making further adjustments with the system and planning to replace all solid wire interconnects in my system with Teo Audio cables--they are that dramatic of an improvement. But I really cannot comment about the audible differences between the two interconnects until I get a few more adjustments completed with respect to power cabling conditioning and installation.