Most resolving Speaker

I know this is a big “sink hole” 
but, I am interested in your opinions

What is the most resolving ( detail) speaker out there

And , How do you measure( listen) to determine the detail being returned?

my opinion: 

Vivid Giya
ive listened to a song  with crickets as background & few speakers can resolve this feature 

I heard a pair of raidho 1.2 tiny stand mounts I would vote for. The big $225k wilsons would probably work, but it would be like killing a fly with a bazooka.


That for me depends on what I'm wanting to resolve. I like to explore almost every recording I put on so I take a variable approach to that piece of music. It's one of the reasons I design Tunable speakers. They allow me to focus on different parts of the recording, kind of like the focus on a camera. There's so much info on any recording that if a person wanted to they could open the soundstage up big enough to look at everything. Once you've got that huge stage around you it's a matter of how well you know your room/speaker combo and of course the rest of the chain. I tune my whole system so I can pick any part of the stage and focus it in or relax it. Honestly some of the best detail takes place when the stage is relaxed the most, which is surprising to those who start with brutally squeezed speaker settings.

Michael Green

Avantegarde - any model. The best speakers I have ever heard 

Detailed, balanace, neutral, dynamic and very efficient - the upper models are some of the nicest eye candy also, i.e. if you like that sort of thing
