New Speakers ... Can't Stop "Listening"

I’ve had my new JA Pulsars for about a month now, and something really strange has happened ... I’m actually interested in "listening" to the music. With my old B&Ws, I’d put on the system and read or surf the internet; being "involved" with the music typically was not something I had experienced. Now, reading a magazine or surfing the ’net is virtually impossible. It's almost as if I'm compelled to pay attention. I never knew I could be so engaged by my system. Other than greater detail, what am I hearing now that I hadn’t heard before? Has anyone had a similar experience?
Hmm. The guy that claims the SF Olympicas are in another league vs the Joseph's...only if you value rolled off, polite sound based on my experience with the Olympicas.
I would love to hear this JA Seas Kit compared to the Silverline 17 Supreme that uses Dynaudio's top shelf tweet and mid-woof. Two great designers competing at the same price point.   
Save your money , Buy a decent tube amp cables from Kimber or purist even there bottom line . Then try the Polk line save the rest of your money and take your girl friend to McDonalds
Here's the to two years from now, your system becomes "the norm" and you start looking for a better/bigger this and that.  And when you get the next item into your system, you start listening to all your music again...hearing and enjoying things you never heard before.  It's never ending!
+1 @seahheis1.  Two great designers and two great speakers using top components.  Interesting that they come to about the same price point indicating -- despite what others might think -- neither is overcharging given they both sell through dealers.  Free markets do work even in high-end audio.