Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?

Since I keep reading and hearing that audiophiles have replaced their 30K speakers with the Tekton Double Impacts, I started this thread to see what speakers and why they were replaced.  I really want to know who did this and why.  Personally, I do not believe anyone would give up 30K speakers for 3K speakers, but what do I know anyways?
Guess I need to hear some Tektons if people think they are as good as $30K speakers but it's hard for me to believe a speaker with 20 drivers can produce a coherent sound. I'll look for them next time I'm at RMAF.
I'd love to hear a pair of Double Impact speakers.  They are a bit funky-looking to me with all of those small midrange drivers circled around the tweeter but grilles are a wonderful thing.  I heard the Double Impact monitors at Axpona and liked them a lot.  I like to see beautiful wood so I wish they were available with wood finishes.
Actually, although I am not interested in buying the DI, I will listen to them at the next audio show I attend.  I may have heard them already at the RMAF last year but I am not sure as the Tekton room was crowded when I was there.  My curiosity has gotten the better of me.
@beetlemania Agreed.  So many factors with these that would point to a lack of musical refinement, boxy enclosures with huge front baffle, complex crossover, many different drivers to match... all of that on top of being a relatively new company and the fact that they don't release a whole lot of technical specs for their speakers.

Yet they have been out for a while now and the praise keeps coming.  I really need to hear these.
I’ve heard them, but not in a proper audition. Last year in summer ’17 I went to the Raven Audio showroom in Onalaska, Tx so I could audition the Legacy Audio Calibre. I remember them sounding good, but not ditch-$30k-speakers good. They were setup with some proper electronics, music was just some audio CD Dave (of Raven) had in the CD player.  For the price they sounded good. But I still bought $6k+ bookshelf’s over those. I also heard the Legacy Audio Focus SE’s and Aeris loudspeakers. I can’t fathom how or why one would get rid of either of those for the Tekton’s.