High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Waveguide and Total Contact

There seems to be some kind of synergy going on with these two products. I have one MC-0.5 plugged into the wall duplex that feeds my system. When I got it initially, I was very pleased with the results. Later, when I decided to try Total Contact, the first thing I treated was the three prongs on the MC-0.5. Again, I was very happy with the further improvements I heard.

Recently, Tim Mrock, the inventor of TC, suggested I paint the outside of the MC-0.5 with it. At first I thought “Wow, that's kind of crazy!”, but Tim has not steered me wrong yet. I went ahead and painted it, in place, without removing it from the wall. I experienced an immediate and obvious increase in transparency and clarity. Initially, the top end was a little too lively, but that has settled down over a day or two, and I am now one happy camper 😀

I don't know how, or why, this works, but I am loving the results.


Been there, done that. This is not the correct forum. Post this on the TC forum as the TC was in the first subject in the header. I you want to talk about the MC-0.5, please do so. But don't pollute it with other "products" which don't belong here.

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