Revel Salon 2’s (used) or new Magico A-3 (new) ??

Have recently heard the Salon 2’s and think they are incredible. (I owned the Salon 1’s previously
and now own Golden Ear Triton Reference)
i love the Refs, and they can be considered keepers for sure, but think I may like the Salon 2’s
more, but of coarse did not hear them in my house. 
I have heard them twice now, and was super impressed (as was my wife the last time) and think
i May make the plunge.

My budget for this last speaker purchase will be ~$11k ish, give or take. So having said that, the other speaker on my radar is the new to be released Magico A-3, but don’t think I can have a pair in my hands for another 3-4 months.

Has anyone heard the new Magico at Axpona, that has experience with he Salon 2’s?

I’m solid on Salon 2 if I can find the right deal (have seen them going for $9k now) I may grab
a pair. I have a local pair lined up for $11k. 

So, wanted to take a brief poll and see if anyone has the experience with the two pair in question.

Thanks in advance!

I thought the Revel F228be was superior to the A3, and the Salon2 should be a step up from the F228be.  

If you can get a nice pair of Salon2s for $9,000 I’d jump on that all day long, provided you have a big enough room for them.  
I’d be surprised if the new Performa3 BE series didn’t measure better than the Ultima2 series. The ceramic mids are a major step up from those older Ultima2 titanium mids which were ported over from the old JBL PT series.

The Salon2/Studio2 Stereophile measurements all had some noticeable midrange hash from the spectral decay measurements that you don’t usually see in new flagship speakers today. 
At Axpona the A3 were in a different league then the Revel F228be, but if you are used to the hash of the Ravel, you might find the clarity of the A3 boring.    
Thanks for the reply’s so far! Why don’t we throw the B&W 803 D3’s into the mix. I have not really heard a pair except for background music playing. But did think
on one audition of the 804 D3’s, they were very nice. 

Sciencecop, how can you make such a ridiculous claim that the Magico A3 are in a different league then the Revels?

Different hotel rooms, different gear, and I am sure there are a ton of other differences between the two demo setups.

The only way to know would be to demo both speakers under the same circumstances.

And currently there are quite a number of really mindblowing speakers both new and used at that price point, We sell the Paradigm Personas and the 3F when driven by great equipment are pretty amazing. The Legacy Signature and Foucs are awesome speakers at $7k and $10k and the Legacy's sound really big with really deep tight bass and a warm midrange. 

The Golden Ear Ref are interesting speakers, in the two demos we heard them in they were nice but didn't blow us away, the Golden Ears tend to sound a bit dark and bass heavy, we would still carry them as they are perfect for some listners, I do agree that that some of these other speakers you may find to dramatically outperform the Golden Ears in terms of imaging and overall resoltion and clarity.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ