Stylus inspection with USB microscope

I have been trying to do inspections with USB microscopes for a while now, and am having no success. I've tried a few, and just can't get the knack of these things. I have seen some extremely detailed examination photos on the web with the USB scopes, and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. When I use low power magnification, I can get the cantilever into focus, but nowhere near the magnification level required to inspect the tip. When I use higher levels of magnification, I have to move the scope so far from the cartridge, that it proves worthless. Whats the deal with this USB process, and where am I going wrong? Wish I had an old Shure SEK2 like back in the day, but, alas, they seem to be like searching for the Holy Grail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks folkfreak. No, I have not tried it with the lens guard removed. That may just be the ticket. Thanks for the tip.


That's crazy. I still cant get that that kind of detail, no matter how hard I work on it.

It's a big PITA! Besides adjusting the magnification, you have to position it to focus and that focus distance varies on the amount of magnification.

I got those from a cartridge that's not mounted so it was easy to position it.

I tried on the one that's mounted in my tonearm and still can't nail it. Here's the best I've got so far after trying for about 30 minutes.