Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.

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Hmm...I don't know if you meant to do so, but you kind of made my point. You didn't advance your position by suggesting that anyone who says they hear ethernet cable differences is crazy. I counted at least 17 people on this thread, to this point, who affirm they have tried a different ethernet cable and heard a difference. Others, fewer in number but not statistically significantly less, said they either didn't hear a difference or it is impossible to hear a difference. I actually think everyone described accurately what they heard. But, I leave open the possibility that you may be right; all these folks may be victims of confirmation bias. But, I also leave open the possibility that you may be wrong. And very smart people have been known to be wrong about strongly held scientifically held views. Ethernet cable sound quality attributes is not the equivalent of gravity. One is unimpeachable--that would be gravity. For the record, not one of the posters claimed to hear the electricity in their wall outlets. :-)

Sorry, did I insult anyone? For what ever reason on this thread I certainly got slapped in the face.
Absolutely no. I'm a former software engineer with experience in networking for many years. The data that's being delivered in a CAT/5-6 cable is DIGITAL!! It's a stream of binary data NOT analog  data. Ethernet uses CSMA/CD (Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection). If the digitized signal being transmitted isn't 100 perfect it will retransmit the packet. The ONLY difference between CAT/5-8 is the speed at which it's certified for. 10, 100 or 1000 Mbits/s. For a 20-20kHz digitized signal  CAT5 is more then adequate. Again, in the digital domain there is NO difference between a cheap Ethernet cable and a more expensive one. None! If you believe there is your just throwing good money away.
@amg56 thanks for the link, I have learned something new about higher catX cables.
Different cables are designed for different speeds and in the network architecture cable should never be the weakest link.

Designing a network you should look onto the performance of the end components and use cables appropriately.

What may really make difference is shielding but not for the quality of the audio but for the presence/absence of noises, induced in the analog components.

@kosst_amojan actually I used audio over Ethernet cable in my house. There is a protocol called A-bus, it uses special hubs and some receivers have A-bus outputs.
Unfortunately it is not compatible with LAN as we know it and it is not a high quality audio.