High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Waveguide and Total Contact

There seems to be some kind of synergy going on with these two products. I have one MC-0.5 plugged into the wall duplex that feeds my system. When I got it initially, I was very pleased with the results. Later, when I decided to try Total Contact, the first thing I treated was the three prongs on the MC-0.5. Again, I was very happy with the further improvements I heard.

Recently, Tim Mrock, the inventor of TC, suggested I paint the outside of the MC-0.5 with it. At first I thought “Wow, that's kind of crazy!”, but Tim has not steered me wrong yet. I went ahead and painted it, in place, without removing it from the wall. I experienced an immediate and obvious increase in transparency and clarity. Initially, the top end was a little too lively, but that has settled down over a day or two, and I am now one happy camper 😀

I don't know how, or why, this works, but I am loving the results.


How would you compare the TC to other tweaks you've had? If there's another thread where you've given these thoughts please point me in that direction.

TC is not a tweak. It's a product for sale. It costs $$$. So its not a tweak. A tweak is a small adjustment to something already existing, not added to it. To pull or twist to make small increments.

I didn't know you could use forums to sell commercial products.

t_ramey sez:

  • How would you compare the TC to other tweaks you’ve had? If there’s another thread where you’ve given these thoughts please point me in that direction.

If you do the search you’ll find that I have done reviews here on A’gon on the Audio Research REF-75se, Audio Technica’s OC-9 MKII, Audio Technica’s ART-9, Herbie’s tube dampeners, Von Gaylord’s speaker cables, Von Gaylord’s IC’s, SR level III power cords, SR HFT’s, and Tim Mrock’s "Total Contact." In addition, I’ve posted many music recommendations with links to Ebay where the music can be ordered.

When I find a product that works, or a tweak that improves my sound system, I like to share the information with other hobbyists. Sharing is in my nature, I guess.

Hope I’ve answered your question sufficiently. If not, ask for clarification.


PS: And talking about music recommendations, check this out:


TC is not a tweak. It's a product for sale. It costs $$$. So its not a tweak. A tweak is a small adjustment to something already existing, not added to it. To pull or twist to make small increments.

>>>>There are apparently two definitions of things sometimes. Yours and everyone else’s. 😛

I didn't know you could use forums to sell commercial products.

>>>>We learn things everyday sometimes.