Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank you all (I'm from Kentucky) for your participation here and via PMs. Here is a progress overview.
Indeed a high priority is to avert losses from aging electrolytic caps. New work will have ALL film caps for indefinite product life.
In broad overview, all series signal path caps are ClarityCap CSA-630 volt. They have excellent technical and sonic performance at justifiable prices. I am bypassing with the custom 1uF styrene that Thiel had made from best German film, now defunct. We will salvage your old ones.
I will be double-bypassing with 1% fractional value MultiCap styrenes. Thiel CS2, 3 and 3.5 used this trick with MultiCap's predecessor. Jim dropped out as of the 2.2. I'm back in for the quicker and quieter leading edge transient at what I judge as justifiable cost for this upgrade scenario.
Shunts to ground in Thiels (pre 3.7 and 2.7) are electrolytics bypassed via that 1uF styrene. I am going with a custom ClarityCap polypropylene having all CSA factors but with a 160 volt film for manageable form factor and cost.

As beetle has mentioned, all resistors are being replaced with Mills MRA-12, an excellent and cost-effective solution.

Note that I am aware that some might want to go farther afield with cost no object components and others may balk at the significant cost of my choices. My vision is to find affordable solutions that reach the next performance / cost plateau. This project is larger than may be obvious. This relatively major redrawing of the rules will require re-voicing both via measurements and listening. Beetle's 2.4s and my PowerPoints are the first line of that work. Our custom parts will arrive early June, when we'll engage the core work and begin substantive feedback regarding our judgements to date.  

@tomthiel & @beetlemania  -  Please put me down as a definite "Yes"!  I am concerned with the point beetle made earlier regarding how my 3.5's must be pushing 30+ years old by now.  I had just recently had their Electronic Bass EQ overhauled by Rob at Coherent Source & the sound quality improvement was instantly noticeable.  

My feeling is that our Thiels, which have always been so revealing & resolving of the sources and material we "fed" them, will show similar improvements with the updated crossovers you guys are working on.  At the very least, it will add more years of "life" to these classics.

Thanks for the updates and good luck on your project!

Thank You for the updates - tomthiel
keep up the excellent research and work. There are several guys here that expressed interest in updating/upgrading their xo networks.

Happy Listening!
Prof, thanks for the reference to Phil Bamberg. He is part of the picture and solution of the puzzle. Your quandary of 2.7 vs 3.7 shines a light on some design particulars of interest. The 3.7 has no electrolytics in any signal path, whereas the 2.7 has bypassed electrolytic midrange feeds and an unbypassed electrolytic in a tweeter shunt. Our target caps will surpass the 3.7 quality for both 2.7 and 3.7.

Of further interest is that later production 3.7s have Chinese made crossovers which seem to have some polyester caps where polypropylenes are specified. And those are built on printed circuit boards, whereas all 2.7s are Lexington made on point to point boards. I associate sonic "ease" with point to point implementation.

The purpose of this post is not to overwhelm with detail, but to share some parts of the emerging puzzle. I am hopeful of achieving significant improvements via parts quality and implementation improvements.

Best regards,