MQA through Toslink

Any DACs you know do this under the $400 mark?

A reclocker that also converts to coax or usb might improve the sound anyway in that setup. Maybe even more than mqa will.

Have a look at this link. It may shed some more light on the facts:

Thanks @amg56 - was there something particular you took from that thread? The external DAC is certainly a sound improvement over the internal Airport Express DAC. 

@headphonedreams do you know of a toslink reclocker? Or a toslink to coax reclocker? Or a toslink to usb reclocker?
The ifi SPDIF iPurifier is once such reclocker. It supports 24/192 even through its optical connection and is bit perfect.

The Wyred 4 Sound Remedy Reclocker is another, however, it reclocks everything to 24/96.

I found a high-quality glass optical cable a necessity to pass higher than 24/96. I’ve used Lifatec glass Toslink cables for years. Nice cables.