MQA through Toslink

Any DACs you know do this under the $400 mark?

The ifi SPDIF iPurifier is once such reclocker. It supports 24/192 even through its optical connection and is bit perfect.

The Wyred 4 Sound Remedy Reclocker is another, however, it reclocks everything to 24/96.

I found a high-quality glass optical cable a necessity to pass higher than 24/96. I’ve used Lifatec glass Toslink cables for years. Nice cables. 

The Bluesound Node 2 can indeed pass an MQA signal via optical. From their website:

Bluesound Players are a full MQA playback solution. They will decode and render MQA playback up to 24/192. If however you are connecting an external DAC, the maximum output will be 24/96 and MQA processing is not happening in the DAC.

If you have an external DAC that is certified by MQA, you may bypass Bluesound's MQA rendering process in the Bluesound NODE 2 or VAULT 2 and send the pure untouched music bits directly via TOSLink Optical or Digital COAX output for processing by your external DAC.

So, now that we can get from Toslink to Coaxial with the iPurifier - is there a DAC that unfolds MQA via coax under $400?
After digging around iFi, I think that the iOne DAC actually does everything I’m looking for $200. Toslink Optical with MQA unfolding. Their input is a Hybrid Toslink/Coaxial connection, which is really slick, and looks like it just has coaxial!  They should make this more clear!  I sent them an email to confirm.

Anybody hear this little box?
