Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.

kosst_amojan"Foggythink, a highly resolving system does reveal the differences in Ethernet cables. A highly flawed system does."

Costco while I completely agree that a highly resolving Music Reproduction System can reveal genuine audible differences in ethernet cables that can be reliably detected in a proper scientific double-blind listening tests I think it less likely to be detectable in what you call here a "highly flawed system." That is not to say that it will never be detectable in your hypothetical  "highly flawed system" but statistically I think it is substantially less likely to be reliably detected in such a Music Reproduction System it would depend on the specific system and what exact limitations it possesses that caused it to be "highly flawed" e.g where care the non-linearities noise distortion or other flawed aspects of it's audible presentation?

I don't understand why folks that choose not to believe in differences in cabling actually debate with those of us that can detect differences in sound quality.

I have come up with a few clues:

They are all contrarians. Whether religion or politics, abortion etc. they will always take the opposite side and will back it with solid evidence( in their view) to spin their agenda. Beats arguing with the wife.

May not have the most resolving system: If you certainly can not hear the difference between cabling you are not going to have much better than Lampcord and BJC for interconnects. Certainly nothing wrong with that as leaves more money for upgraded golf clubs and bowling balls, upgraded rooms on vacations etc.

Do not know how to listen for improvements in sound: Takes a few years as you are moving up the chain to identify small increments in improvement such as swapping out a receptacle, or the use of vibration control ,room treatments etc. As we all know a few percent here and there ends big in the long run.

All measurements sound the same:  Ok if two Speakers measure 30hz-20kh +-2 db do they sound the same? Of course not. Neither does and amp, preamp etc. Putting to together a system is all about synergy. What may work in my system may be to laid back in yours etc.

I just don't understand why the non believers just don't say:"Wow that's great for you guys. I am spending time enjoying my system and less time constantly tweaking". Heck some of the best times enjoying music is have a few beers in the garage with your buds listening to music played on a boombox.

Seems the whole world is in an argument. This hobby is a selfish as it gets. It would be nice just to enjoy with people with like interests. I really do not see any other forums ( auto, financial, sports)with the type of bashing that goes on in audio forms. 

Axpona was great this year. How many non believers where there?  Not many I am sure.  Sure a lot of the products are over the top, but it all trickles down over time.  4 years ago at Axpona  Ric Shultz was showing off his magnetic cable line. We looked at each other and said WTF?  High Fidelity cables had 3 connected rooms this year this year to go along with two beautiful gals that knew what they were talking about!!. A new affordable cable with similar qualities as a cable twice the price a few years prior. Something is working there. All sorts of great success stories all over. People that have succeeded at their passion. How awesome. I am sure not going to take anything away from them. I am a little jealous.

Can we talk about cable break in now? :) 


kosst_amojan"Foggythink, a highly resolving system does reveal the differences in Ethernet cables. A highly flawed system does."

Costco while I completely agree that a highly resolving Music Reproduction System can reveal genuine audible differences in ethernet cables that can be reliably detected in a proper scientific double-blind listening tests I think it less likely to be detectable in what you call here a "highly flawed system." That is not to say that it will never be detectable in your hypothetical "highly flawed system" but statistically I think it is substantially less likely to be reliably detected in such a Music Reproduction System it would depend on the specific system and what exact limitations it possesses that caused it to be "highly flawed" e.g where care the non-linearities noise distortion or other flawed aspects of it’s audible presentation?

>>>>I’m glad someone decoded costco’s post. My code breaking machine must be broken. Shouldn’t there be a “not” in there somewhere? Was he laying a trap? 
Ethernet cable is digital.
As such it cannot change the quality of the music.
There are very few bytes to deliver over the cable. Network protocols like TCP/IP or whichever one you use take care of the data continuity so the song file on the remote storage is identical to the file delivered to the media player and DAC. The sequence of the bytes is the same - guaranteed. It will be delivered ahead of the time when it will be played by media player and processed by the DAC since the speed and throughput of the cheapest cable exceeds the needs of the delivery channel. Media player will take care of the buffering of the data when data packets coming out of the  Ethernet cable into the network card and put back together into the continuous stream of bytes.

Quality of the music depends on the components in the chain starting from DAC all the way to the speakers and the room, furniture in it and so on - the analog components so to say.

However Ethernet cable may impact the quality of the sound, introduce noises of all kinds.
That highly depends on the design of each individual system.
"highly flawed system" may be one which is not shielded properly and not shielded Ethernet cable will create all kind of parasite noises.
What may look and sound like " highly resolving system" may be easily brought out of balance by poorly manufactured  Ethernet cable. Most likely it will not but there is a chance. Reports of improvements with high quality cables just prove that.

The case when placebo affect takes place has all rights for existence: What looks good and has a significant price tag must sound good.

This debate will never end due to the high permutation of the components and configurations in your systems. Too many variables in this equation.
But go out there, try, experiment and improve, If you like the sound - keep the cable, if not - take it back and as for a refund :-)
@burgh heavy shielding in industrial environment has many reasons (as you well aware of), standards, codes, safety... you name it.
Besides  Profinet, CanBus or any serial bus protocols are considered real time and delivery of each individual message in time is critical so they are mostly shielded from outside world.

In Audio world at home we are free to do whatever we like, especially in lo voltage circuits - so experimental lab is open for suggestions.