Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.

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Benzman 4-25-2018
I don’t understand why folks that choose not to believe in differences in cabling actually debate with those of us that can detect differences in sound quality.
That seems to be a perennial question in debates such as this. And often parties on both sides of such debates tend to impute a variety of nefarious motivations to those on the other side.

My own belief on this question, which I haven’t previously stated, is as follows: I believe that the great majority of those on both sides of such debates are sincere in their beliefs and in their statements. What I believe is usually the motivation of the so-called naysayers can be illustrated with a hypothetical situation: Let’s say that in a music forum various classical music buffs were discussing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. And let’s say that someone submitted a post asserting in no uncertain terms that Bach was a third rate hack as a composer. Certainly the other participants would feel a natural urge to set the record straight. And it is my belief that so-called naysayers believe, rightly or wrongly (and perhaps in many situations the truth is sufficiently nuanced to lie somewhere in between), that what is being asserted by those on the other side of debates such as this is comparably ridiculous, as well as impossible. And consequently I believe their motivation in such situations is likely to be similar to that of the Bach connoisseurs in the hypothetical situation I described.

-- Al

Ethernet cable is digital.
As such it cannot change the quality of the music.

>>>>Sorry, that’s the same illogical argument naysayers have been using for years to try to explain why there can be no differences between digital cables, the ones that connect to the external DAC - because it’s digital. The problem with that illogical argument is all signals - analog OR digital - are electromagnetic waves. As such they are subject to the same cable characteristics as any other cable - geometry, conductor material/purity, dielectric material, directionality, etc.
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How so, Mr Smarty Pants? That’s not much of an argument. If you don’t have an actual argument I’ll understand.