New Speakers ... Can't Stop "Listening"

I’ve had my new JA Pulsars for about a month now, and something really strange has happened ... I’m actually interested in "listening" to the music. With my old B&Ws, I’d put on the system and read or surf the internet; being "involved" with the music typically was not something I had experienced. Now, reading a magazine or surfing the ’net is virtually impossible. It's almost as if I'm compelled to pay attention. I never knew I could be so engaged by my system. Other than greater detail, what am I hearing now that I hadn’t heard before? Has anyone had a similar experience?
@gnason I listened to the Pearl 3s for the first time at AXPONA 2018. Beautiful full sound. I own Perspective speakers and feel comfortable comparing them. Prof has it right; there is no mistaking that the Pearl 3 and Perspective are voiced the same. The Pearl 3s clearly have a deeper tighter bass. And the Pearl 3 seems more holographic, although the small size of the AXPONA room may color this observation. FWIW I run my Perspectives with 2 subs and this setup fills 4000+ cubic feet nicely and provides a very satisfying 25Hz-20KHz experience. When I mentioned to Jeff Joseph that I intended to run the Perspective speakers with stereo subs, he told me I would be getting close to the Pearl 3 experience. Now that I have heard the Pearl 3, I think that assessment is correct. Of course, I'd love to hear Pearl 3s with stereo subs...  
Interesting..however you failed to mention the brand(s) of electronics in your system, Mr Joseph.
@tuxedocat If you were asking me what electronics I use with my speakers, I have Rowland amps/pre/dac/psu. Source is Antipodes.