Delete "Cable Snake Oil Anecdote" Thread!

Can't someone put this thread out of its misery and delete it already?
Everyone with an opinion has already expressed it so what's the
purpose of keeping this annoying thread alive?
In the future I'd like to see such threads deleted immediately.
Utter futility! Give us all a break!
Post removed 
+1 .... don't feed the trolls = Nailed it!!

to the mods: please adopt the same measures that many of the other audio forums have already adopted: Delete these type of troll posts (especially the stupid cable slams) along with the warning that transgressors will be kicked out and banned ...... full stop.

it works.
Actually I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. Look at other sites. Many are vast wastelands. 💀 “Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds...” 😬