Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.

The level of abject ignorance here proudly displayed by forum users such as jinjuku and kosst are a striking demonstration of the American education system that such level of scientific illiteracy could prevail among a population such as is found here that would pretend to be knowledgeable and explains why the USA has for years been in state of steady decline compared to the substantial advancements that much of the rest of the modern world has made during the same time period. Your future is not bright if the solution to your ignorance is to insult degrade and seek to publically embarrass and chastise a person who has tried to enlighten you even by some small measure do not misunderstand me I think cleeds is worse than a winkly dinkler and it is readily apparent from reading multiple of his posts that he is not what he acts like he is and in fact I am not even sure that he has an audio system at all but he has been correct in his assessments evaluation and presentation of valid listening tests and that there are those who argue so boisterously against such simple facts is a public indictment of the status of the US which of course his few loud critics will not be able to recognize themselves except perhaps with the assistance of they're parents and even in that case I am not sure.
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Looks like you forgot the question. Do Ethernet cables make a difference? No, they don’t. That’s a proven fact. Does your imagination make the difference? Yes, it does, and we can prove that all day long too.

>>>>That’s a proven fact? Are you high, couscous?
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I’m getting a contact high just reading your laughable posts, couscous.