JSE infinite slope

HI! I have these JSE infinite slope speakers model #1.they sound wonderfull! but how come I do not see them in reviews.I know they are old,but they sound really good.I have seen the crossover"infinite slope"in the JOSEPH AUDIO speakers.I compared them with my friend's B&W side by side,his are brand new B&W speakers.he chose the music "classic,jazz,R&B," blind folded.HE went first!
-classic (He chose the JSE)
-jazz (He chose the JSE)
-R&B (He chose the JSE)
then it was my turn!.
-classic ( I went for the JSE)
-jazz (I went for the JSE)
-R&B (I went for B&W)
so it is clear that these speakers "JSE INFINITE SLOPE" can figth with the big fellas like B&W.well after we finished the blind fold test.He asked me where I got these speakers from.because he did not know the brand.I told him,from a thrift shop.now he is searching for these guys in "ebay" and "audiogon" he wants the same.three way ,piano finished.by the way HE paid for his B&W around $2k.and I paid for mines $40.00 in the thrift shop for the pair.not bad ehh!.I saw once. one pair of "JSE infinite slope speaker" on ebay,but they were ugly ones and
they were four way.mine is three way.one 1 inch soft dome tweeter,one 6 1/2 midrange,one 8 woofer.the shape is like a piramide from front to back."very nice"and the piano finished ohh my god! wonderfull.
so far I am so happy with these JSE.now I can listen to pure music like it was ment to be.well if you ever come across to a pair of these fellas just get them!!! you will be glad you did!.

Are you trying to flood the forums in regards to these speakers??

Just giving you some grief!

Old? The JSE 1.0's it sounds like you are describing stopped production over twenty years ago. By now the binding posts and more to the point the plastic cup used to hold them should have been replaced as both pairs of mine (1.0 and 1.8) needed this about this time. $40 is an absolute steal on them. I bought a pair of 1.8's for ~$500 a year or so ago as I still liked the 1.0's I bought in 1985 as a freshman in college. FWIW both of mine are in natural Oak finish, and my 1.0's have the JSE double spiked stands (spikes to the speaker from the metal stands and to the floor from the stand) They truly bring the bass to another level. My 1.8's sit on Sound Fusion vibe busters (spikes and disks... what can I say I have tile floors)

Sounds like the ones you saw on eBay were maybe the 2's they had rounded edges on the front and are bigger, my brother has a set of these in I think cherry in his office but the room is so bad acoustically and the speakers WAY to big to tell you what I think of them... I too find them ugly.

Enjoy them, I do, but as you posed in your last post on these, they are large, and I am about to consider ridding myself of both pairs to make room for a good plasma speaker system for the bedroom.



Consider yourself fortunate! You found a good speaker at a great price. Now go enjoy them!

BTW, in current dollars, your 20 year old speakers were probably much more expensive than your friend's B&Ws. I think some of the JSE speakers cost over $2000 20 years ago. So in today's dollars they would be quite expensive.



The 1.0's he's speaking of where ~$700, I still have my original receipt for the spekaers and stands and it was ~$823 if I remember right.