Humans find new and more efficient methods to accomplish their goals. Are they always better? It depends on whats important to you and what you value. Is it the trip or the destination? Many felt the world came to an end when the great transoceanic ships were being displaced by air travel. They assumed incorrectly that everyone thought the important part of the exercise was the journey and for others it was the destination. Do you use your gear to listen to music or is music the necessary component so you may listen to and play with your gear?!?!?
Music will always be consumed by man, it just might not be consumed by a solitary old white guy closed off in a converted garage (while his ‘88 Camry bakes outside with peeling paint) with padded walls debating electronically with distant strangers the merits of a blue fuse or a black fuse in the power supply to the power supply of their turntable motor. If this statement hits too close to home then you might consider getting up out of your specially crafted chair that is both comfortable and yet not so absorptive as to damage the soundstage of that 1958 recording bootlegged out of that acoustically challenged lower Manhattan basement club of a heroin addicted clarinetist playing the 100th version of some show tune. The sun is probably shining outside and there is an amazing hike waiting just for you! There are new friends to make and socialize with and dine with and share the joys of life and music will likely be a part of some of that experience. The multi box shrine will be there when you get back.