New Aerail 10T's

I just got my new (to me) Aerial 10T's and am slowly picking my jaw up off the floor.

I'm feeding them from a Linn Unidisk SC and a single 125W x 2 from 2 channels from a Linn AV5125- I know this is virtually starving them - but I am simply blow away by them - still.

I am waiting on some newly acquired power to drive them which I suspect will only improve things.

I have fantasized about the 10T's since about 1996 - it's truly a dream come true to finally have some of my own. I know they are old news to most - but to me they are even beyond what I remeber them as being.

Sorry to blabber on and on - but I am one happy listener right now. :)
No, 300W is not too much. I drive my 10T's with a Krell FPB400cx. It's rated at 400W/per channel into 8 ohms, and measured 913W into 4 in a review. And I crank it.
The same month that the Stereophile review came out for the debut Aerial 10T I got to hear them on a big Spectral syatem. I listened to that system for over an hour and could never associate the sound I was hearing as eminating from the speakers themselves. The orchestra was there before me in a deep and wide soundstage, each instrument in its distinct location. That was the system that gave me a glimpse of what was possible with two-channel music reproduction and I remember the experience very well to this day.
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