Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)
I've heard some owners of the Shunyata Research Alpha NR power cord that run class D amps say that it did lower the noise floor allowing more detail and resolution to pass through.
Personally, I have not tried it yet but perhaps in the future.
Seems like a large amount of money must be spent for a small margin of improvement, and it always seems to be that way with high end audio.
An Ansuz D-TC power cord did just what lak mentioned above with my Aavik U300. Because of that I can play almost twice as loud. I never would have believed it if I didn't hear it in my home. Not sure what percentage of improvement I got but would say it was lot. If I have to guess I would say 20 - 30%.
Yes it's crazy expensive too. Full List is 20K for 2M
I substituted the power cords that came with my Merrill Audio Veritas monos with Shunyata Pythons and the noise floor,resolution,along with a more natural rendering of the music... did take a turn for the better. Great fit in my system!
5% gain is quite a bit to expect with any pwr cord change from just a stock thick gauge cord.
I’ve been using upgraded cords for a long time,generally make my own,and without question they do lwr the noise floor,have better defined dynamics,and are generally smoother and more refined across the board.

I’ve owned many class d amps and I found that with all of them,they like being powered up all the time.My latest amp a Lyngdorf 2170 definitely likes being left on,not on standby,all the time for the very best in sound and also is ready to go at any time.

I recommend that you try a reasonable priced cord and listen for yourself and compare to a stock cord.

It's impossible to answer the question because there's no way to quantify this mysterious 5%

I would submit that changing out the amp power cord while leaving in the stock power cables of all other components, will probably have little benefit.