Wow moments while listening to vinyl records

Howdy A'goners ....

I got back into listening to vinyl records a couple of years ago. Although I have more CDs or FLAC files than my vinyl records collection at the moment, these days I listen to vinyl albums a lot more than I listen to the CDs or music files.

I am creating a database of songs or even whole albums that give me goosebumps.... that make me say wow this sounds amazing! And I keep repeating to listen to that song again and again. You know what I am talking about. Let me share a couple of songs to start the thread - 
1) Cris Williamson - waterfall
2) Mickey Newbury - an american trilogy

I want to hear from you about your experience. Please share what songs / albums give you the same feeling. It would be great if you describe what particular aspect of the sound or music makes you feel that way. I am not a musician or even a trained listener. I am not an audiophile. So this is going to be my learning experience about various terms like transient, sound stage, cohesive/organic sound etc. only if you share your experience with me. It will also help me to get some of those albums to add to my collection.  

Currently I have two tables - a Denon DP-65F with an Ortofon 2M Black cart, and a Project RPM 9.1 table. I am in the process of choosing a cart for the Project table. I requested feedback on specific carts in another thread.

Please share your experience of songs / albums that create audio nirvana for you :)

Check out the Moody Blues "In Search Of The Lost Chord" . Song: "Legend Of A Mind"! Timothy Leary's dead. No he's not! He's outside looking in!
Every collection needs Pink Floyd's "The Wall". As good as the US Columbia pressing is, the British EMI is even better! And I am referring only to the original all-analog pressings - not to current digital remasters!
Always seek out original all-analog pressings - even if a bit worn! They have that LP "magic" that I feel is lacking in digital remasters!