Warner and Blu ray?

I just saw on the net that Warner Brothers is backing Blu ray in the ongoing battle of dvd formats. The saga continues.
The report the previous poster is referring to has been retracted due to flawed data, quite an embarrassment for the organization that employs the person responsible.

That data doesn't include online sales ( like Amazon) as well as Walmart, which doesn't report this type of data at all.

AS an FYI, Blu Ray should basically ALWAYS outsell HD-DVD, by about 70:30 based on US studio splits as it stands. The question is; does that mean dual players? A true victory for Blu ray? A delayed result so that it becomes all about downloadable movie titles ( Hi Def) in 3-4 years so that no one "wins'?

These are some of the real questions.
I didn't trust that 93% figure either, as it was on www.blu-ray.com, and I found it hard to believe that Blu-ray player sales would double immediately after the Warner announcement, given that $150 HD DVD players were suddenly flying out the door in response to Toshiba's price slashing. Entry price on Blu-ray players is back up to near $400.
At least people who buy a $99 player will not have much to complain about if HD-DVD media does die out....that is really a bargain...the only issue would be all those unplayable media discs....perhaps PC's will support HD-DVD and you can continue to watch them on a PC (the merge between TV and PC is coming closer)?

01-27-08: Shadorne
At least people who buy a $99 player will not have much to complain about if HD-DVD media does die out....
That's why I bought the HD-D2--I never planned to buy discs, just play HD DVDs from Netflix and get a good upconversion from standard.

At $99 to $128, however, you could stockpile a couple of HD DVD players to continue to play HD DVDs when your first player wears out. Also, I did buy (or receive as gifts) some HD DVDs, but several of them are dual format with std. DVD on the other side, so they'll never become drink coasters. And yes, you can get an HD DVD drive for a computer as well.