
Eh I got an SAEC 407 with the SL1000 I bought last year. Its a nice enough arm. I bought the EPA 250 to complete the Technics package. I also have a couple of Acos GST 801 to fill out my vintage arms. FInally, have a 12 inch Riggle String Theory arm on my main table, its fairly decent. I dont find the SEAC to be a bad arm

Btw, have you interest to buy a SAEC tonearm?

I have no intention to buy new 8k tonearm from any manufacturer, i like my Reed 3p "12 tonearm, it's new design, not a 30 years. But i like vintage tonearms as well, regarding vintage tonearms i'm not gonna pay more than 1,5k for any of them. I've learned from many audiogon threads that SAEC with its knife-edge bearings is not the best tonearm. And that's why i asked again is that good or not? Just curiosity, i'm not gonna buy Saec anyway. 

Sadly @dertonarm  is not posting anymore on audiogon, so i can not speak for him about his calculations etc. What i think is that size of the record does matter, especially for professional tonearms, if it was made for radio stations then the main format for new material on vinyl is SINGLES or "7 size first, all promo material for the radiostation released by the labels on singles to promote the best tracks from the LP long time before the LP will be even pressed or available for sale. This is how the industry worked back in the day. Singles with labels like "promo use only or D.J. copy" is typical for any radio archives. One song per side. I believe @dertonarm is right at some point, there could be a dedicated tonearm with dedicated alignment made for professional use for japanese radiostations backs in the 70s. 
@chakster : That tonearm can be used with any LP size as any other tonearm.

As I said I used my SAECs with different alignment parameters than the manufacturer specs. You can do that not only with the SAECS but with any tonearm. Maybe you need to learn a little about. 

Anyway, no big deal.

Dear @neonknight : When I said " stay away from SAECs " I'm not saying is a bad arm but against the 250 seems to me looks as an inferior performer.

Knife-edge tonearm bearing is the exeption and ask you why the 99% of tonearm designers choosed a different bearing design than knife-edge.

As I said the 407/506/8000 are extremely well made with a very high quality excecution, no doubt about and are second to none in this regards but this build quality does not means the tonearm is a " stellar " one because it's not.

@l, I don't think SAEC made any changes because they already had evrything to build it as the original but exist the posibility that they did it. As you said we have to wait. Now, the SAEC problem is not about its choosed alignment parameters, its problem is deeper than that. As you know you can make any kind alignment you choose with any tonearm.l

The real downside of the SAEC tonearms is the ceramic headshell which must be the absolute worst choice of headshell material ever imagined....
Though they still command outrageous prices (if you can find one).....this work of the 'devil' will make every cartridge sound like fingernails being dragged down a classroom blackboard.
If you have a wood-bodied cartridge like the Clearaudio Virtuoso.....you can just about listen without feeling discomfort.

It's easy to eliminate this problem by simply selling the ceramic shell and using a good after-market headshell like the Yamamoto HS-4 Carbon Fiber.
It's easy to twist the cartridge in the headshell to re-set for any geometry one chooses.

Those beliefs are reasonable Lewm...