Fading Display on NAD M3

Hello Everyone
I just noticed that display on my NAD M3 is fading in upper
left and lover right corner. Also letters BALANCE; TONE DEFEAT; SPEAKERS A; BI AMP 40,60,80,100Hz are almost
unreadable. Has anyone encountered similar problem. Is that
just the display or something else.
I would really appreciate any opinions about this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Hi I'm having the same issue with My NAD M3. I'll email NAD and hope they send me the Firmware upgrade
Any one have any recomendations of a turntable suitable with a MAD M3.
The instructions come with the upgrade. Connect your M3 to your PC with an RS 232 cable and the software guides you through the upgrade. It's easy peasy. Phone NAD North America tech support: 1-800-263-4666 ext 4445 then ask them to email you the file M3Upgrade_V1.12.zip or email David Dunn in tech support  DDunn@lenbrook.com.
In the 80s, NAD was good, musical, a bargain, and dependable.
Unfortunately that seems to have changed.
There is no there there in nearly all the old firms . Just names owned by marketers .
Hi M3 lovers, 

I just got a defective M3 yesterday. Among all issues, there is the screen issue! Could anyone provide me with a relevant firmware and instructions to solve this issue please? 

I also got a "protected mode" issue yesterday when listening to the amp. After 1 hour of listening, the left channel didn't work anymore and I got the "protected mode" screen ... also got a non working volume potentiometer ... well there are some work to do to get it fine and if you encountered these kind of issues, your advices are welcome!


