Nakamichi Cassette Decks

I would like to hear from anyone who can tell me if the Nakamichi decks are better than say a upper end Denon DRW 800A, And second is there a big dirrence in the way the different models sound in playback mode. I' thinking of buying a Nakamichi MR2
Recordings made on Nak’s must be played back on Nak’s---and visa versa---to sound "right". Nakamichi used a different EQ curve than other companies.
I have never recorded anything on my 582 but its playback of "good" prerecorded cassettes is very very good to my ears in my system.
But is wholly dependant on the mastering just like vinyl.
@vinny55 I have these left ...

1) Tandberg 3014A 
2) Tandberg 911
3) Nakamichi 1000zxl
4) Nakamichi 682zx

Best Regards
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