thread for PMC owners

I'd love to hear from other PMC owners.  Twenty series, Twenty5, Fact, etc.

What model do you have?

What amp are you driving it with?

How are the speakers positioned within the room (space from front and side walls, etc.)?

What other brands/models did you audition before settling on PMC?

Any other tips or comments.

Focal are nice too. A bit splashy with their tweeters. PMC is more of a British sound (great mids).
I have fact.8s in my bedroom system and they are really nice.  They are not the last word in bass response, but they go deep enough for my needs and, as shadorne says, mids and highs are great. 
On that same auditioning binge, I also listened to some Facts (I forget which model, not the biggest floorstander).  I liked it too, but thought it perhaps a little more strictly neutral in presentation, whereas the twenty's just had a hint of warmth that most CDs benefit from (at least to my ears).  The fact (no pun) that the twenty's are less expensive than the Facts didn't hurt either.
The neutrality is my favorite aspect of the fact.8.  It presents exactly what it's fed and just disappears behind a nicely projected sound stage.  I'm partial to the British sound, though, as some big KEFs sit in my main system.
I have IB2 SE on order, coming hopefully this month. Will post more when I receive them. Just sold my big EB1i to help pay for them. Those are twice the size and half the cost, oy.