For sure maybe more then 5%. I bought the latest ,power cords
from Verastarr Audio with a 30 day return policy and both digital
as well as my New Gato 400s integrated prospered well over5 % improvement,
digital even more so. FYI. Verastarr has a New line not on the website yet less expensive locally Mike the owner direct.
if you don’t need the very time consuming weaved jacket and a couple other extras. Excellent performance per $$ spent
vs the competition, this includes system cables also.
from Verastarr Audio with a 30 day return policy and both digital
as well as my New Gato 400s integrated prospered well over5 % improvement,
digital even more so. FYI. Verastarr has a New line not on the website yet less expensive locally Mike the owner direct.
if you don’t need the very time consuming weaved jacket and a couple other extras. Excellent performance per $$ spent
vs the competition, this includes system cables also.