Stereophile, no more bench tests????!!!!

Looks like Stereophile may be cutting back on expenses, no more bench testing for measurements and specs to keep the manufacturers and reviewers honest, it'll make you think twice on what to believe now, without the proof to back it up.


Cheers George

Someone  wondered if "people still read these glossy rags?"  As TAS printed recently, due to someone 'writing in' and asking if TAS was doing okay, TAS responded that their PRINTED subscribership is actually UP, and that TAS was doing well with print.

I read EVERY month, the printed copies of TAS, Stereophile, Hifi Choice Hifi+ and HiFi News.  There is nothing like sitting in bed with a "glossy rag" (or 3 or 4 of them) and NOT having scroll through electronic pages that light up the night.  (And yes, my wife is beside me with her tablet (I have one too) viewing Facebook).
I suspect JGH is rolling in his grave, the rag will become just another piece of useless fodder .........
So, the reasonable and open conclusion is that reasonable thinking people tend to to find themselves always attacking and undressing/adressing illiteracy and it’s projections.

10x the work for almost no results.

Over and over, explicitly so, as illiteracy and it’s projections does not have the capacity to stop what it is doing, until it reaches round and gets itself some minimal form of enlightenment ("is this warm soft clay I see before me?"*), so it can get past it’s dunderheadedness. Maybe. We can only hope, but the record constantly says otherwise.

In the meantime, reasonable, thinking people... either put up with them, ignore them, or leave the forum, or some combination thereof..

*("I knew I had to rise above it all, or drown.....")

It is interesting to note that intelligence can be described by that which is abstract in both view, tendency and capacity, whereas those who don’t know science but project the idea of it’s use, do so in a frightfully linear manner.

Even an abacus or a small pile of rocks can be utilized calculate but that has squat to do with mind and abstract capacity. Science has no facts and no bibles - it has theory and potentials in projections. And that, in a nutshell, is the never ending ever changing advancement of humanity and the sciences. Not this junk we see in linear minded insanity - which is spectrally on the dense side. People play it safe when they reach limits in self, it is a human thing to do, based on the ape body and it's controls in place for survival. Dem rose colored glasses, they be in everythin'....
teo_audio: "In the meantime, reasonable, thinking people... either put up with them, ignore them, or leave the forum, or some combination thereof." Umm, you might want to wake up for your second of reflection and rethink your reference to "reasonable, thinking people" of which I'm sure you think applies to you. Honestly, I've always just put up with or ignored your type :)