Do I need higher quality power cords?

  • I have an expensive Isotek Orion Power line Conditioner connected with an Isotek Elite Power cord. It has plug-ins for five power cords. Considering this, would I further benefit from higher quality power cords for my components other than the stock ones that came with them?
Sounds like a case of inflated ego mixed with expectation bias, nothing more and nothing less.
And you base this opinion stated as fact on ... your own ego and expectation bias, perhaps?
I'm sure Audio Research will be glad to know that their Reference 10 preamp has an inadequate power supply since it responds dramatically to different power cords.  Perhaps we should petition the company to fire the designers.  Where do people come up with such nonsense?
Other high end amp manu-fractures will be very sad to hear this news. You know, Lamm, DartZeel, Classe, Parasound, Gamut, McIntosh, Mark Levinson, Conrad Johnson, Krell and Pass.
@geoffkait that is just the tip of the iceberg. Besides, shadorne must know something so many manufacturers have missed in their designs. And he has a follower.
Today I got the try the Nordost Blue Heaven and Red Dawn power cables on my MA252 and Rega Apollo CD and after an hour of listening and then going back to the stock cables I couldn't believe the difference.  I was expecting maybe a subtle difference but the difference was so acute even my wife could hear the difference:)  Which is just as well after I told her how much they were:)