Audio Research Ref 6 power cord

Has anyone heard an aftermarket power cord significantly change the sound of an Audio Research Reference 6 preamp?  If so, please describe the cord and what you heard.
Count me with the Sain Line fans.  I do also use the Synergistic Red fuses in my ARC ref6/ref75se combo, but the Sain Line cords are a more noticeable improvement.  I did not really get a boost from the fuses, but YMMV.  I have tried some other cables, but the Sain cables don't really change the frequency balance like some others, they just reinforce the natural ARC sound.
Tried a Synergistc Research Black Quantum fuse in the Ref 6. Not a subtle, but quite a significant difference, especially in the high frequencies. Less wooden, more crystalline, especially with piano. For the cost, I highly suggest anyone try one.
Im using the Shunyata King Cobra CX with a Synergistc Blue Quantam fuse in my Ref 6...

historically, Transparent cabling is a sonic match w/ ARC. Look into the Reference/Reference XL or OPUS models. The current is Gen5. The older MM2 series still holds up very well, especially, used/demo prices.
Happy Listening!
Thanks jafant. I haven't heard Transparent's power line, other than at shows, but I have heard their interconnects and speaker cables, and they are Excellent. 

Between Sain line systems power cord, Synergistic Black and Blue fuses, and cryogenically treated tubes, I think I pushed about as much out of the Ref 6 as I could. And it is Amazingly Good. 

I never was able to quite get the crystalline pure highs, especially with piano, from the Ref 6 that I could bypassed, and run direct, DAC to amp.

I did solve that problem and found an option more tunable via NOS tube options. And that is with a VTL TL 7.5 III. The Ref 6 is 95% what the VTL is, and at a much lower cost. But I'm willing to pay more for the slight improvement in performance.