Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?
@sbayne  Great to hear! I may order their PC to free up one of my PCs.

Recent changes on the power side of the system allowed me to test a different configuration for the Corelli. I finally used my top power cable since I have an extra one available due to replacing separates with an integrated amp. 

Not sure if it is the new config or the PC or a combination of both, but a noticeable improvement in the current setup. 

Once my components are settled and fully run in, I will be able to test placement and PC pairing impact properly and will report back.
 I have 3 dedicated lines. One for my all my digital, another for my subwoofers and the 3rd for analog equipment (Including preamp and tube amps).
 If I was to buy the Akiko Corelli, which dedicated would it work best on?

Has anybody used the Corelli in conjunction with High Fidelity mc-0.5’s or compared it to them?
Ozzy - that's a tough question. Trying it on each of your dedicated lines and leaving it where it sounds best is the logical answer. Especially most people , if they are like me, if they have a dedicated line it feeds the entire system. The same is true if its plugged into a power conditioner that feeds the entire system. So, its very hard to say what component its improving the most. @worldwidewholesales or Jaguar Audio Design may be able to give you some better insight. 

That's a good question, because that is what I intend to do.


I did send a message to the ones you mentioned, but it's the weekend so hopefully I will hear back early next week. The obvious answer would be to buy one for each line, but....
