ARC Ref 5se VS ARC Ref 6

Ok i need some help and opinions. I just auditioned at my home the ARC Ref 6. All i can say is WOW. !!!!!!!!! I was truly blown away with the sound. Everything is truly there . To me there are no short comings. Ok let me start off by saying that originally i was looking for a used ARC Ref 3. Then i started reading on some forums and on here that the 5 was very close to the 3 and the 5se was truly a great sounding unit and upgrade from the 3. I really wanted to audition the 5se at my home but unfortunately he just sold his demo and only had the 6. I really cant afford the 6 right now brand new But after hearing the 6 with my system im wondering if i purchase a 5se would i be disapointed after hearing the 6. Like the 3 vs the 5se i read it was a very big difference , Is the 6 a really big difference in sound ? Should i wait for a used 6? I know that i have read great reviews on the 5se. I just wish i could of heard the 5se also in my system to compare / decide for my self. Any help would be very much appreciated . 
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I don't expect many to agree with me, but I have always preferred ARC's Power to it's Pre amps, or at least felt them to be better value. I have used the reference 75SE for some years now and never expect to change it. I looked around for some time for a Pre to do it justice, but couldn't really afford the Ref 5, which was available at the time, not the SE.

I tried the Ref 3 and yes it was very good, but found I preferred the sound of the Modwright 36.5 and it was cheaper. It seems to match the 75SE very well and again don't plan to change. So if like me, the 5SE and 6  are out of your price range, the Modwright might be worth a listen.

Copied over from another ARC thread:

Just traded in my ARC Ref 5SE for a ARC Ref 6 today. Here are my reactions, … FWIW.  

Is the Ref 6 a better sounding unit than the Ref 5SE? IMO, yes. Here's why. First off, bass is tighter, but not in an exaggerated sense. Just better low end and midrange detail. The sound stage is more open. I get a sense that there's less clutter to the imaging and a more coherent presentation of the musical performance. To my old ears, it is a palpable difference. To die for? No. But to appreciate and enjoy? Yes.

That said, do I think the Ref 5SE is a sonic slouch? Absolutely not! Both units share similar ARC house sound characteristics. But the Ref 6 does tease out more detail and a better sense of a uniform sound stage with few gaps.  

I surmise that the Ref 10 and Ref 40 are of similar genre to the Ref 6, ... just more of the same. Admittedly, I have never heard the Ref 10 or Ref 40, but generously assume (based on member comments) that they are a cut above the Ref 6.

As I listen to more source material, I will add more comments if I think worth passing along.  
