Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?

That's a good question, because that is what I intend to do.


I did send a message to the ones you mentioned, but it's the weekend so hopefully I will hear back early next week. The obvious answer would be to buy one for each line, but....


In response to your question Ozzy, the Corelli works best off a good passive strip with everything plugged into that passive strip and the Corelli plugged into the first outlet of the passive strip. But when this is not possible then use the Corelli with your front end and it will still affect all your dedicated lines. We have literally sold 100's of the Corelli and I have only seen 2 on the used market in the last year. The technology is very different but the most effective conditioning result we have heard and we have tested over 60 different conditioners. All the conditioning systems we tested from $24000 down had positive effects and negative effects but the Corelli only did positive things. I run one personally in my reference system and if you email me I will send you pics of my reference system.


It is one of those things you put in your system and cannot take out and yes I know that sounds like sales.


@worldwidewholesales - Don't mean to intrude with your conversation with Ozzy but your answer intrigues me. So use the Corelli on the line that the front end is on and it will affect all his other dedicated lines? I haven't seen this advice before. How did you determine to treat the front end line versus using it on a line that his preamp or amp are on, for instance? Also, its been recommended to try moving the Corelli as far away from components as possible. What's your findings in that regard? Thanks.

Hi sbayne,

If you contact me at this email address, I would be happy to send you pics of my system;

I tried my Corelli in several different locations and I very much prefer my Corelli on my rack with my other equipment. We also experimented with many different power cords and we found the power cord had a huge effect on the Corelli. This has been very consistent with many of my friends that own a Corelli. I can't speak for all my clients and stores as I do not actually know what end users are doing with their Corelli. It would be interesting to get other people's opinions on placement and power cord preference with their Corelli.

In regard to the front end. If you don't have your front end right than it does not matter what you do further down the chain so I always start at the front end. We have found just plugging the Corelli in and having it in the same room as your system, helps bring a system to life and once you unplug it and take the Corelli to another room, the system loses some energy. Not sure exactly how it works but I will never take my Corelli out of my system.

