what is the AES standard, again? Which signal on which pins, etc? Thanks---Eric.Pin 1 is ground, pin 2 non-inverted signal, pin 3 inverted (in Europe, pins 2 and 3 are reversed)
Ground is ignored (no signal current) for output **and** input; signal travels as a twisted pair within the shield, which is used for shielding only and no circuit return. This particular aspect of balanced operation is where most high end audio products simply don't get right; in a nutshell signal ground currents in the cable suddenly means that the cable becomes audible...
Overall the circuit will be low impedance. In older (studio) equipment, the input impedance was commonly 600 ohms (so the source has to be alright with driving 600 ohms with low distortion and no bandwidth reduction); newer equipment tends to be 1000-2000 ohms; semi-pro equipment (such as Tascam) tends to be variable and can be as high as 10K ohms.
Our balanced preamps support driving 600 ohms which very unusual for a tube preamp without an output transformer.
Note: the ability to drive 600 ohms is not the same as a '600 ohm output impedance'! This is kind of hard to do, which is my thinking about why so many high end audio manufacturers don't support the standard.