Wilson Speakers & Reviewers


I've been reading a lot of reviewer system lists over the years.

Why do a lot of them end up with a Wilson Speaker

They do not appear to be the most resolving.........
Or is it Peer pressure ? Or magic ?



Crazyeddy:  Part # is MP821-5.80-1%  $14.95 each + shipping.  Not a huge savings, but still...

Handyman: Thanks. I'll give it some thought. I would have thought there would have been a more substantial savings buying direct from Caddock.

I'll probably re-order from Wilson, as I don't like the idea of introducing more heat from the soldering that necessary, if I have to extend the leads in order to be able to get a full cluster.


Crazyeddy:  I understand. I've looked many places and that's the best price I've found. BTW, I use a heat sink when I solder. Have never had a heat related failure.          Steve