Vandersteen 2CE Signature Speakers

Hello.  I recently auditioned a used pair of Vandersteen 2CE Signature speakers. I found them to be amazing for jazz (lots of detail, great imaging) - really everything I read about on how these speakers sound.  However, upon listening to classical (full orchestral recordings of Mahler symphonies and Strauss tone poems), I found them to be boxy, dull and closed (quite the opposite from the jazz recordings).

Is this normal?  Why would this happen?  What can be done to fix this? I would like to buy them. 

I have the 2CE sigII. I had auditioned about 11 brands and various models and liked the sound of the Vandersteen and Magnepan the best. As with many audio components, one has a great amount of choices in speaker brands and models. No need to settle, if one has the patience to keep listening and auditioning the many offerings. Keep looking until you find what suits you. The arguments about which speaker is best are comical. The overwhelming variety and many choices of speakers benefit the audio consumer. I have never been a fan of measurements and the scientific end. My ears are my tools and I can listen to many, many speakers to decide what sounds good to ME.
No surprise that you liked Maggies and Vandersteen's since both sound like point source speakers and have some other similarities in sound quality. I have many friends who own both, but they are still very different tonality wise I feel.  Great advice on using your OWN ears and not a friends, ours or a salesperson.  

As for scaling, the Vandy line scales as good as any other speaker line I've heard.  I also have a shop owner put their top amps on any speaker I listen to.  

I was listening to classical music yesterday and it filled the room.  Not once did I feel it wasn't giving me a huge sound stage etc...  Tonally, it sounded awesome.  Loved what I was hearing, but I should as I purchased it all lol.....
I have owned the Treo's and now own the Quatro's. I'm VERY familiar with all of his speakers though and have ton's of time with all of them.  

I have spent extensive time with the 2's since they were released in 78 I think it was (Bruce's at Stereo Unlimited in SD).  When run with the proper electronics and set up properly, I've never heard them to be boxy. Honestly, the design of the 2's was so they wouldn't be boxy.  He has the smallest baffles on the mid and tweeter for that very reason.  Also, for the price, they are considered highly dynamic as long as the recording is dynamic.  Not saying you didn't hear what you said you did, but if a speaker is designed properly, it will play anything the same.  

Too many perpetuate the myth that a certain speaker is good for one or two genres only.  Just ask any top designer and he or she would tell you the same I promise.
(((This speaker plays it all as all great designs must. There are other issues, time for an expert to chime in, Johnny R maybe?)))

My take would be this..........

 (((I found them to be boxy, dull and closed (quite the opposite from the jazz recordings).))))

Having heard both electronics in our sound rooms

I probably would agree with the OP with what he heard with those electronics.
 Compared with ARC,VS 110 Manley Neo Classic 250 has a darker feel their output transformer taps offered only a fixed tap with no adjustments.
 at its best with a lower impedance speaker.
 Feedback City think it wanted to be controlling a speaker that needs way more control.
 Sonic Frontiers preamp we found it was decent for its time yet somewhat
 electronic or mechanical presentation at the time associated with dated amps also using Hi Feedback.
 I'll bet 5 bucks if he takes his Yamaha back there with some AQ wires
 he finds a new companion instantly.
 Best JohnnyR