New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

Tara’s now my ultra is more than 50 hrs it’s begining to show some natural smoothness, inner detail is more clearer, A lot more air. Iam not sure what more improvement will this ic after 100 hrs? 
@ taras22

I just ordered a pair of GC Jr. Let see if it can do a better job than my current Morrow and Artisan Silver cable. Looking forward to it.

I recently swapped into my system the Teo Audio Liquid Pre passive line stage in place of my active tube preamp. Tho I am still tweaking the system, the system is definitely of a different sonic character. The connectivity is a 1M run of GC II between my Oppo DVD player and the Liquid Pre, and a 2M run of GC Ultra from the Liquid Pre to my powered ATC monitors (fitted with Cardas CLEAR adaptors). So the system is fully Teo Audio liquid metal fluid conductor from source to transducer.

I can discern a dramatic change in the acoustic envelope than found with my system configured with an active tube preamp. The music seems even more relaxed in character; the music just flows with greater ease than before. Paradoxically, the bass music seems better defined. And that incredible tonality expressed from the liquid cables seems even more evident with the Pre in the signal path. On one recording, I’m hearing from more defined triangles, with their tonality being better resolved than before.

And I have not yet dialed in the unit’s optimal isolation parameters as of now. So more to report. But it’s clear to me that this conductor tech is a paradigm changer.

Celander wait till your liquid cables settled you can hear more natural 3D and good transient, and more palpable characteristics.