Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
the reason phase coherent speakers aren't the order of the day is because the virtues of that strategem haven't acquitted themselves as highly important. Typically speakers that make that a cheif priority make detrimental compromises in some other facet.

IMO, given that a HiFi should come as close as possible to recreating the original performance, be it a well recorded orchestra in a great hall or a pop effects menagerie, unless the phase is correct, that is not possible.

Many recordings have zero phase information from over miking and effects. Some early stereo recordings are magical when heard on correctly phased system achieving an 'aliveness' otherwise not possible.

If accurate sound stage presentation and performer focus is a priority, good phase performance is mandatory.

Again, IMO, the reason phase is not pursued is it is difficult, and therefore expensive, and there is no point when most consumers are oblivious.
I suspect you’re confusing phase information with Absolute Polarity. The absolute polarity of the recording and of the playback system should BOTH be correct. If only one is correct the sound will be relatively diffuse, bass shy and non coherent. OR if the system is in REVERSE Polarity then recordings that are also in reverse Polarity then the sound will be CORRECT. The trouble is that there are no standards for Absolute Polarity so everything is topsy turvy. Of course phase is an issue too, and time alignment of speakers.
Chad from MA recording uses crystal cables , his cd’s sound as good as sacd maybe better
Wow, and I thought I could just put a CD on and enjoy my music (McIntosh and Salon's). Thought my system sounded good, but now I think my cables may be running backward, my system out of phase, messed up polarity, dry contacts (no paste), stock fuses everywhere, lack of cable elevators, etc. I can't even listen to that stuff anymore.