Infinity Prelude MTS repairs

Anyone know what to do with these ? Delaminated magnets . Just acquired and they need repair . Some talk her years ago about these issues . Anyone who has or does own these out there ?
I also own the Infinity Prelude Compositions still in real good shape. I like these speakers a lot; but I will likely never buy another Infinity product. I feel they ruined this speaker's great potential with the next incarnation and you are right that Infinity does not properly support their products. I generally play these speakers with my Cary 280 v12 amp in Triode with either Cary SLP98 or Audible Illusions Modulus 3A pre. With either, really good sound. Great tuneful bass with the internal 300 watt SS amp driving the 12 inch woofer to 25hz. And, at 96db nominal 6ohms even the right 300B sounded sublime. Infinity sure knows how to screw up their various line of products. Best, Rob P.S., if ever needed ( hope not) thanks for the repair references.

They are great speakers . Have not heard them in over fifteen years . Use to listen to them at a dealer back in the day . Way out of my price range then . Was pretty stoked to catch them as soon as they were listed on cl for a steal .