Inexpensive Tube Amps

Anyone have any experience with the following?  I want to try one just to see how the sound compares to my Yamaha and Denon solid states.  Since the Denon is living on borrowed time I will likely have to replace it this year anyway.  Looking at the Nubsound and noted a Germtune that is identical to the Nubsound but costs a bit more.  Reviews are largely good including those on other forums.
I appreciate the additional and more supportive feedback on this subject.  Simply put I have a finite amount of dollars to work with and a budget to stick to.  I've got so many other projects that consume money and time and also other things to buy like a new computer printer, computer etc.  That leaves only a certain amount of money for the audio these days.

Just got the Miniwatt N3 aka TubeCube7.  Swapped out the stock pre amp tube for a Mullard 12ax7 (new new stock) and it sounds great.  Better than my old Yamaha A500 which is bi wired into the Castle Conway 3 towers.  Using the Mirage OM 10 towers with the TubeCube7 and the sound is better than I had hoped.  Will look at upgrading the power tubes in the near future.  
Fortunately I have a good repair shop in the area.  Already have used them for a couple of things.  At some point I may spend a bit more on a tube amp if the Yamaha A500 bites the dust.  But will worry about that if the time comes.
I should mention that the TubeCube7 drives my Mirage OM 10 towers just fine.  Six ohm and 91 db sensitivity. I gets more than loud enough to hear in 30 feet away or two rooms away from the living room. The 8 ohm Castles don't work well with it.  

To those that think my attitude stinks.  Not really.  I don't have much disposable income right now and won't for quite some time.  I was quite clear about what I wanted and what I could spend yet many of you were off on another tangent and trying to push me in a direction i.e. products that don't interest me or I cannot afford.  That is NOT being helpful at all.

Right now this little TubeCube7 is better sounding than ANY SS amp I've ever owned and it cost under $200.  From where I sit I made a very wise choice and stayed within my budget.
Primaluna and Hegel…(maybe somebody already mentioned this) they're made in China.