SL1200GAE New Tonearm

Want to change the stock arm. Looking at a triplaner 9" vii any other one around $3500 new used . No preferences in particular.
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Yes I was hoping @atmosphere would chime in. I couldn't wait and just bought the 9" off of us audiomart just to good of a deal and from a well respected guy. Anyone know the cost to go to the SE version which I hope is possible. 
For what it's worth, you can call Ralph at Atma-sphere in Minnesota, any time.  If he's available, he probably would be glad to discuss the TP variants. Ralph is "good people".

OK, we've done several SL1200G (or GAE) machines so far. Both the Triplanar 12" and the 9.5" arms can be mounted. I recommend replacement of the platter pad as well. We fabricate a special armboard; the concern is that the rigidity of the plinth and subchassis must be as rigid and dead as possible, so that if the platter is vibrating in some plane, the arm is also moving in that same plane so the noise cannot be transduced (the principle behind our model 208 turntable as well).

Most of the armboards I've seen aftermarket don't address this issue and so might have a bit of coloration.

The finished combination is spectacular. Technics really did their homework on the new SL1200.
Ralph, no rush, I am aware that you have done this. I sent you a email looking to get an arm board or information on it, looking for the best way to mount it, would like not to drill into the plinth though. The arm I got is from John I think you know him. Much appreciated Jerry
Ralph, So sorry that I volunteered you for TP questions.  That was unfair of me.  (I think maybe that was why you wrote, "sheesh".)