Look into the Lyngdorf 3400. Brand new model. I have the older 2170. I used it on the 40.1s. Amazing together. Sell your dac, power cord and ICs as you won’t need them. The room correction in the 3400 is stunning and SOTA. I sold over $18,000 of tube separates and like the 2170 better. The 3400 is even better. This piece will assure the 40.1s sound as the builder intended in your room. I know this is not conventional high end advice. This is not a conventional piece and it breaks all manner of aphile notions and perceptions. No worries regarding tubes as this unit transcends that whole SS vs. tube thing. Just is beyond that. It sounds like music and your room will no longer be against you. It eliminates the room.
I speak all this based on vast experience. I know, this is not what you wanted based on the subject, but I sense you may welcome it. Enjoy.