Ready to move onto next stage of streaming

So for over a year I have been streaming Tidal via my Bluesound Vault 2.
Now I bought this mainly to rip all my cds to but after "discovering" Tidal I find that I rarely even playback from the Vault hard drive, I usually just find it on Tidal even if I know I have it in ripped format.

It boils down to 2 main source areas for me now,vinyl and streaming. Very happy with my analog as I do not even try to compare the two just let them happily coexist knowing they are different.

But here’s where I am at. I am sure there is probably a better setup for streaming Tidal with better sq than the Vault now.
However it still has to be as user friendly as the Vault to operate for the other denizens of chateaux Uberwaltz!
No computer science geniuses here!
Needs to be as simple as the Bluos app is right now for all to use.
Any suggestions that again does NOT revolve around any mac or pc setup.
Thank you
The more I have investigated, the more I have come to the conclusion that my first choice ,the Vault was as good as I need for my situation.
The Bluos app on both droid and iPad are near flawless and just about idiot proof. In fact imho the Tidal interface via Bluos is quite superior to the actual Tidal app interface.
In my system I am streaming 24/96 MQA into the 2170 and it sounds pretty darn good to my ears.
Right now listening to Tidal via the Vault on my second system where it is connected by a 50 ft toslink cable from its digital out feature.
Sometimes you just have to know when you already have a good thing and its time to just enjoy the music!
+1 on BlueSound Node 2 to Lumin for MQA (and other streaming).  I got a used T-1 at a very reasonable price.
Has anyone tried the Cocktail/Novatron products?  I have the Cocktail X50D and am pleased with the sound. I also have an Aries Femto clock unit to compare it to. Any comments would be appreciated. 
I'm new to digital and am building my first dedicated listening room.  I purchased a NAD M12 w/ BluOS module and M22 v2 combo.  Connected to the M12 is a Mac CD player, Techniques SL-1600 MK turntable, and Squeezebox Duet,  I stream Tidal using BluOS from a laptop and sometimes via the Duet.  My CD collection is ripped to a Synology NAS, I use Logitech Media Server to access my digital library via the Duet.

With Tidal, I've noticed that not all MQA & FLAC music sounds that great with my setup.  Most jazz which is what I care the most about, sounds very good to awesome.  I'm an oldschool R&B guy, and most 60's - 80's music sounds pretty good, but not as good as more recent jazz music.  

I've noticed that some transitions regardless of genre, are rather "explosive" or bright, by that I mean get too loud at their peak or the highs just appear to be too high.  I can play the same music on my analog Mac system and different speakers and don't get that same effect.

I don't know if its the NAD DAC not being able to handle that well, or just digital in general.  My NAD gear is only a couple of weeks old, so I'm hoping things will improve over time.  I also have to add acoustic treatment, which I know will help.  I've budgeted ~ $1500 for that.

I'm retired, and trying to stay within my budget.  I just ordered a Furman Elite 15PFI power conditioner and I will order a better power cable.  I use AudioQuest mid-priced interconnects.

Any advice would be appreciated.