Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates

I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated amp now, driving Harbeth M40.1's.
I like the sound, but am considering upgrading to something more powerful and with greater finesse.
I have had solid state gear in the past and have always come back to tubes, so I think I want to stay with tubes.
I would like to get a stereo amp (no monoblocks) and match it to a very nice preamp.
I have been considering Balanced Audio Technology gear but beyond that I really don't know.
For my budget, I would prefer not to go over $10K total for both components.
I am in no hurry to make this change, just thinking and doing research right now.  I am willing to take more than a year to decide if necessary.  
Please give me your suggestions.
Another popular choice with the Harbeth speakers are the Luxman integrated amps.
Integrated Amp >>> Separates    Linear Tube Audio MicroZotl Preamplifier + Zotl Ultralinear present an interesting pairing for the Harbeth 40.1s. They come in at budget and keep you in tubes!
Don't forget about Audio Research.  I think they are very nice for a tube amp/preamp choice.  Probably the most transparent "solid state" like tube equipment.  BAT is nice and powerful, but I have read they are dark sounding.  It really depends on what your after. 
What SS gear have you owned? If you haven’t listened to Pass or Modwright you might be surprised.
Thanks all for the suggestions so far.  Very interesting!
The Lyngdorf sounds interesting but I am skeptical of do-it-all devices promising to solve all room issues and weighing less than 20 lbs.  I would love to audition one but to take a leap like this against all assumptions I have in my head is a difficult thing.  That said, I will look into it and see if I can get an audition somewhere.  I live in Minneapolis-St. Paul area so I will need to search to find out if any local dealers carry this product.  Also, I take it this is a class D amp?  I currently own a Primare I32 integrated, which is class D, and while I like it when playing digital sources, I really don't like the sound when playing records.  I should have mentioned that I primarily play vinyl in my system, with the occasional CD thrown in for good measure. 
Other SS amp I owned was the Rega Elicit 3.  Really didn't like that one.  It was probably just not a good match to my other components but it just never sounded anything but clinical in it's sound.  I traded it in for a Cary SLI-80 integrated and fell in love with tubes from that point on.