Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates

I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated amp now, driving Harbeth M40.1's.
I like the sound, but am considering upgrading to something more powerful and with greater finesse.
I have had solid state gear in the past and have always come back to tubes, so I think I want to stay with tubes.
I would like to get a stereo amp (no monoblocks) and match it to a very nice preamp.
I have been considering Balanced Audio Technology gear but beyond that I really don't know.
For my budget, I would prefer not to go over $10K total for both components.
I am in no hurry to make this change, just thinking and doing research right now.  I am willing to take more than a year to decide if necessary.  
Please give me your suggestions.
It is not class D. It is a digital amp. They are different. Neal at Sound Science may be able to work out a loaner for trial. I build and modify gear for others. Don’t let the weight or all in one thing throw you. The times they are changing. Ultra short signal paths, dispensing of ICs, SOTA attenuation, SOTA room correction all come together in a special way. The future is here and this long time tubeophile who loves point to point wired tube gear cannot go back to all the shortcomings of these separates. 

Past conventional wisdom and preconceptions just dont apply here.  Worth an extended trial for sure. 
I can firmly second the Lyngdorf 2170
Never heard anything quite like it in my room for such a small unassuming little box it surely rocks period!
It is not truly a class d.
I took a leap of faith based on reviews both here and in the press and have never looked back.
The 3400 is more of the same, more power, built in media player etc.
The dac in the 2170 is of the highest order and I have no intention ever of returning to seperates, I sold off MAC and BAT gear!

After running the room correction and listening to it afterwards, once you defeat the room correction the best term I have heard used is that it sounds "broken". Lol, a bit extreme but it is that dramatic at least for me in my room.

I run cd, cassette, Tidal streaming and vinyl through it and enjoy every source

I use a Nottingham Analogue tt with ZYX cart going through a GoldNote PH-10 phono and I cannot stop flipping vinyl, it is that good!
BAT is NOT dark sounding. Before passing on judgement or information please don't post this unless you have heard BAT in YOUR system.  It isn't as sterile or analytical as some tubed manufacturers but I would not consider it dark.  I think speakers, cables. sources make a huge impact on ones judgement :)
Where did ANYBODY say BAT was DARK?
OP is asking for opinions and EXPERIENCES.
MY experience with BAT was that it really was good, however in my system in my room to my ears the Lyngdorf 2170 was much superior.
Obviously YMMV.