Dear friends: This is a true time's celebration for all audiophiles over the world: 100th ORTOFON ANNIVERSARY.

ORTOFON needs no presentation but stop the press and stop/delay your next cartridge buy:



Btw, @mikelavigne as always your comments are welcomed.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
lewm, having heard the MP1 with a Ortofon A90, I guess it depends on what you call "no significant noise penalty"!
Sweeping generalizations without having done the actual work to support them...oh, please!!!
@lewm When it comes to analog, a phono preamplifier is the single most difficult component to engineer and build. MP1 (pushing $20,000!!!) uses 10 tubes to get 66dB of MC gain and another 6 tubes for line level. I have not heard it, but I doubt it would be considered low noise with the cartridges in question.

Yes, some of us own or can build a state of the art phono preamp, but the rest 99.99% of audiophiles buying these very low output cartridges are listening to garbage sound. Just because something makes noise and plays loud enough, doesn’t mean that it’s any good.

005  (are you in her majesty's secret service :-) )

Toshiba 2SK170/2SJ74 - I still have some left - hoping that Linear Systems will get their act together and figure out how to make these before I run out :-)

Good Listening
