12 Angry Men Movie Quotes
Juror #3: Don’t give me that. I’m sick and tired of facts! You can twist ’em anyway you like, you know what I mean?
Juror #3: Six to six... I’m telling you, some of you people in here must be out of your minds.
Juror #3: [interrupting] You didn’t prove it at all. What’re you talking about?
Juror #3: What’s the matter with you?
Juror #3: That doesn’t prove anything. I’m a pretty excitable person. I mean, where does he come off calling me a public avenger, sadist and everything? Anyone in his right mind would blow his stack. He was just trying to bait me.
Juror #4: He did an excellent job.
Juror #3: Well... say something! You lousy bunch of bleedin’ hearts. You’re not goin’ to intimidate me - I’m entitled to my opinion!
Juror #3: Brother, I’ve seen all kinds of dishonesty in my day, but this little display takes the cake. Y’all come in here with your hearts bleedin’ all over the floor.....you listen to some fairy tales... Suddenly, you start gettin’ through to some of these old ladies. Well, you’re not getting through to me, I’ve had enough.
Juror #3: What’s the *matter* with you guys? You all *know* he’s guilty! He’s *got* to burn! You’re letting him slip through our fingers!
Juror #8: “Slip through our fingers"? Are you his executioner?
Juror #3: I’m one of ’em!