Is this MQA news a big deal?

Just now stumbled across this release regarding DACs from ESS adding MQA, but I'm not certain if it means there'll likely be many companies offering MQA decoding soon enough. Or if it perhaps means something else. Any thoughts?
Craigl59 1+ ,

 I ment to return to this topic and post Computer Audio Member  Archimagos article on MQA , Best artical I’ve read so far on this subject.
I wouldn't spend more than $500 on a dac without MQA. $7000 on a dac without MQA is foolish IMO. You might not like MQA right now (with the right equipment, it can sound fantastic), but if they make future improvements and then you want it, your $7000 is wasted. If you bought a dac that supports it now, its your choice to use MQA or not.
+1 ptss! MQA is the GREAT AUDIO SWINDLE of today! And you are right about today's pop music - most of it is just DRECK!