Thanks to all who responded so far. I only used the term "plant stand" because incidental or foyer tables are not an option. I wasn't necessarily pleased with the plant stand because it had slate squares embedded in the top; I assume that was to insulate the wood against a dripping plant. It also made the top less level. The stand is currently in another room and over the years has gotten a bit shaky in the legs, even though it has a long bottom shelf that acts as a cross beam and connects to the stands legs which are fairly thick
To cd318: a similar table stand would be sited between the speakers and would rest on medium thick area run. Each components currently rests on 4 rubber/cork 2 inch squares which offer some vibration control. The turntable sits on an Auralex base purchased from Music Direct for $70.00 and offers enough isolation for an inexpensive U-TURN TT I have.
As I mentioned in the thread's text, a table stand makes it easier to hook up the components and clean them back front and back. I have a monster amp the BAT VK-200 which weigh about is 65 lbs, but feels like a 100 lbs when lifting it. That would probably be located on Pangea amp stand under the table..